Tuesday, January 26, 2016

UNESCO targest Iranian Holocaust Denial competition

Image courtesy Times of Israel
Despite the insurmountable amount of evidence out there, like photos, documents, the actual gas chambers, the bodies and survivors ... there's still a fair share of people who believe the Holocaust never happened.

Feeding into this nutty sentiment is the government of Iran, which is once again holding a Holocaust Cartoon Competition this summer.
Organizers say the contest is supposed to highlight a perceived double standard surrounding the publication of caricatures of the prophet Mohammed, the central figure of Islam, but Israeli officials say it is an example of Iranian anti-Semitism. Iran has held similar contests twice before.
 Actually, it's not a double standard. Mocking a religion and mocking people who have suffered and died are two very different things.

Apparently, UNESCO agrees and is expected to challenge Iran's president when he addresses the agency today.

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